A writing about the difference between the past life and the present life

     There is a difference between life in the past and life in the present. Few years ago life was simple and modest, but a little bit difficult.

     There weren't sport cars, big houses or expensive clothes. All that people wanted was peace and try to develop their lives to become easier. They used to travel using carts, communicate using fixed phones, and most of them used to watch movies in TV with just two colors -white and black-,and happiness was every where. Nowadays, people have things that the old ones haven't even dream of, there are computers that can save you time and efforts, ships and airplanes that can take you from a contry to another in a blink of eye, and wepons able to cause a huge domage. Life was simpl and peaceful, it was difficult tought. Modern people worked hard to develop it, but this developement have cost them simplicity of life.

     Finely, i think that the world in the futur will change again and again, only God can knows the changes, not just that he can knows but he already knew.

This is liiiiiife


Mosslime said…
Great writing thanks a lot
Anonymous said…
Goood again

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