* Let me make my decision on my own *

          Some parents do work in place of their children ( homework / exercises / room / bed ...)
Write an argumentative text in which you will give your point of view on this subject.

          Often, we see parents making decisions about the lives of their children. The key question is: "Is this the right way to educate, should not we rather let the kids decide what to do with?"

          Admittedly, parents are more experienced, they are the guides in our path and the primary caretakers of their children, still considered immature, inexperienced and apprentices in life and unbridled freedom could lead to catastrophic consequences such as delinquency.  that's why they decide for them.  However, in my opinion, I prefer that parents stop imposing and limit themselves to proposing.
However, these parents must respect the privacy of the child, first, these young people, constantly live in dependence, will never be autonomous and responsible;  and facing the problems of life, they will always be fragile, vulnerable, uncertain and disarmed.  In addition one must indicate that the experience is acquired with the test, the attempt to make, because the failure is part of the success.

           In short, we must respect the children's choices, discuss them with them but without imposing their own, let the child do what he loves can have positive consequences for his future and his development.

                         I'm able to do that 


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