< An example of a letter between friends >

                             " Request "               

                                                El Massira N°111                                                              Chichaoua 
                                                            21/08/2019            Dear Nami 
     It's been a long time we didn't talk, i miss you a lot and i hope you're going fine. 
I'm writing to you because i'm fed up and i need your help, i have to revise for my exams and prepare for my Frensh and english presentations and a lot of other things, but the problem is that i'm not able to organise my time, that's why i need your help and advices, i'm waiting for your letter badly, write to me soon.
                                                         Your friend                                                                 Noha 
                                                      ( SIGNATURE )

                             " Response "

                                                             El Nahda 1
          Dear Noha 
     I was so happy to recieve your letter, i'm glad to help you my dear. Well it's okay to have a lot of hard periods in our life and it's so normal to have problems too, you just need to relax and don't mind, take your time, organise your priorities,make a plan, set your goals and work to achieve them. 
Take it easy and every thing is gonna be alright. 
I hope that i was helpful, See you soon.
                                                   Your best friend
                                                     ( SIGNATURE )


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