" Writing ( Solutions to reduce crime ) "

                                  ●Subject :
          Some people think that it would be more effective for our society to take steps to avoid crime instead of just punishing criminals.  What do you think ?  
Write an argumentative text in which you defend your point of view.

          To reduce the crime rate, society is content in most cases with punitive measures such as imprisonment or detention.  Yet, some believe that punishment is not enough if it does not come with effective measures to fight atrocities and tragedies that leave everyone in turmoil by attacking the roots of crime.  A question to ask: "How well is the argument of the latter defensible?"

          First, it must be admitted that there is a great deal of truth in what these latter are advancing.  Indeed, we must fight the motives that fuel the use of crime.  First and foremost is social precariousness, which remains a key factor behind the rise of this phenomenon. At this level, society must open up sustainable development projects to enable people from disadvantaged backgrounds to have access to safe housing, especially since  Crime abound in these enclaved places, we can also improve the living conditions of these people through the creation of income generating projects that will allow them to live decently.
          Then, the time has come to review the school's missions that cease to fulfill its educational function.  Needless to say, school has long been involved in transmitting values ​​of citizenship, including tolerance and respect for others, when school has resigned from this vital function devolved to it, society becomes  a fertile breeding ground for all atrocities.  Faced with this alarming situation, strengthening the educational role of schools will help train the good citizen who can promote his country.

          In short, I believe that although punitive measures may sometimes be an effective measure against the escalation of violence, they remain unable to clean up society of dramas that undermine its foundations.  It remains to be said that the moralization of social life is a major task that society must launch in order for citizens to live in harmony far from any bloodshed.

Just stop it🙏🙏🙏


Unknown said…
bravooo bravooo ,💐👍👍👍👍

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