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Expression écrite en français + writing in english .....

Do we really need to scare children to educate them?

                                      ●Subject:            You have certainly seen children around you who are trembling with fear in front of their parents. Do we really need to scare children to educate them? Write an argumentative text to develop your point of view.                                       ●Writing:           Many parents think that the best way to bring up children is to subjugate them with authority by frightening them.  The key question is:  "Is this the right way to educate children?"           The education of children is not an easy task and we are not born a good educator, some parents believe that to be obeyed, it is necessary to have the stick in hand or have a tongue of a viper, they think  that by terrorizing the child, they will succeed in getting what they want from them, they believe that authority based on terror is the best way to "build" a true docile and obedient descendant. However, what they do not know is that in this

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